Businesses face big challenges when it comes to adopting new technology. From significant financial considerations, to obstacles with implementation, or, due to the rapid pace at which technology changes — fear of obsolescence - many businesses are hesitant to make any technological changes to their operations. But staying with old, or even antiquated systems can actually end up becoming more costly.

The question is, how do you know when it's time to make the leap?

It’s not about embracing the latest fads, nor about trying to predict what might happen in the future. It’s about making smart investments that allow your business to grow. Solutions such as cloud, analytics, automation, mobile, social, and security can create a significant competitive advantage by making it easier to run your business, creating more efficient ways of getting things done, and providing new and more effective ways to engage with your customers.

Leverage technology to accelerate the acheivement of your business goals.

Our unique blend of expertise in strategic planning, process development/automation, leadership, and in-depth technical knowledge has helped small companies develop and rapidly scale their technology platforms, big companies find efficiency in cumbersome technical processes, and organizations of all sizes implement complex technical projects.


- Develop Common Purpose : We all know what hill to take.
- Create Shared Conciousness : Think out loud early, often, and repeatedly.
- Foster Empowered Execution : Make decisions as close to source of information as possible (and learn quickly).
- Demand Excellence : Not Perfection. "Excellence is an art won by training and habituation." - Aristotle
- Challenge the Status Quo : It’s OK (and expected) to relentlessly pursue something better.

Our Team

Jeff Darnton

Founder, Principal Consultant

Erik Landsness

Senior Consultant

Jeremy Malara

Senior Consultant

Shane Thompson

Senior Consultant


Interested in seeing if our team can make an impact on your business?
We'd love to meet with you.

(805) 459-5983

814 O'Connor Way, San Luis Obispo CA

Copyright © Cerro Consulting, LLC